Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Interlux Waterfront Challenge Project to be Displayed at Mid America In-Water Boat Show

Great News! Sea Scout Ship 41 has been offered a 10x10 (maybe 20x20 if space is available) booth at the Mid America In-Water Boat Show to be held September 10-14, 2008.
We will be promoting B.S.A. Sea Scouts and have requested literature to handout from the Greater Cleveland Council and will be receiving Sea Scout banners from Jimmie Homburg, National Commodore and Interlux Waterfront Challenge banners from Dr. Doug Bernon.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Google SketchUp Flotsam Scoop

Having a little fun playing on the computer - here is our Interlux Waterfront Challenge project in 3D using Google SketchUP with the file converted by AVS Video Converter for publichation in the blog. You may also see the file in the SketchUp 3D Warehouse.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

You Tube Video Created for Interlux Waterfront Challenge Project

Ship 41 has produced a You Tube video describing our Interlux Waterfront Challenge project. Andrew and MaryKate did a great job narrating our story but unfortunately the video producer (who will be nameless) did not think to shield the camera mike from the wind. You may view the video below. Please leave positive comments and rate the video. Thanks.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Edgewater Yacht Club joins Sea Scout Ship 41 as a Partner

This past week we visited Edgewater Yacht Club that sponsors a sister Sea Scout Ship. Mike McElheny, general manager, was most impressed with the flotsam scoop and said it would be a great improvement on the fishing net they use presently. He readily accepted the gift of a scoop and will monitor its use and keep us posted.
Ted Mahoney, trustee and member of the Board of Directors of EYC, shown holding our flotsam scoop in the picture above, tried out scoop and had nothing but positive remarks. Ted made a couple of good suggestions for improvements including adding floatation and contact information for comments.